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  • concept

  • copy

  • visual identity

  • content management

  • PR & general operations, strategy

  • funding applications, partnerships

ever_emerging_magazine is an online art-platform and magazine which I founded. The magazine presents women artists over 45 years old, who work in any type of medium. We are currently working on the 7th edition and have so far featured 65 artists from all over the world.

For the magazine, platform and website, I created the concept and the visual identity. I write the magazine and manage all the operations and PR. I also develop and execute the content strategy, on a visual and ads level. In 2022, we were awarded 20K worth of grants, which I applied for, and had our first edition in leading Dutch bookstores in The Netherlands. Together with a small rotating team of (young) women, I manage the ever-growing and evolving platform.

The magazine is designed by Giulia Bierens de Haan. 

View more on and follow us on instagram.

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